Curriculum vitae

Dr. Peter Schad was admitted as a lawyer to the German bar in 1997. Now, over 20 years of work experience as an inhouse lawyer on nearly all hierarchical levels of credit institutions and firms in the financial sector. His resumé includes working as a company lawyer of legal depart-ments in credit institutions at an early stage of his career and occupying the top position as an Executive director in a bank (Chief Legal Officer/Chief Operating Officer responsible for law, Compliance, IT and banking operations) in recent years of his life.
His outperforming academic qualifications are proofed by top examinations and degrees, as well as a doctoral thesis in eco-nomics (grade “summa cum laude”). Plenty of years working experience in companies always on a high academic level formed his skill of understanding complex economic and organizational issues and interdependencies.
Dr. Peter Schad operates highly success-oriented and structured in his approach of analyzing the client’s objectives and works out the best legal and economic strategies and alternatives in the most efficient way possible. Dr. Schad takes pride in his inter-national experience of working many years with international investors and for four years in Dublin/Republic of Ireland as an Executive director of a credit institution.
He speaks English and Russian fluently.
- 2020 – 2019KPMG Law firm Munich: Attorney in the financial services sector; assisted several companies in application procedures for licenses as payment service providers with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority.
- 2018 – 2015DEPFA Bank plc Dublin/Ireland: Executive Director (Chief Legal Officer / Chief Operating Officer (COO); Liquidation of the Bank from a balance sheet total of over EUR 50 billion to a total of about EUR 18 billion in 2018.
- 2014 – 2010FMS Wertmanagement AöR Munich (Bad bank held by the German Government): Big volume financing (restructuring and disposal), real estate law, real estate financing (restruc-turing and disposal). Focus: Restructuring and liquidation of a portfolio of high risk banking prod-ucts consisting of loans, bonds, derivatives and structured products. Total amount of EUR 175 billion in more than 40 jurisdictions all over the world. 2014: Acquisition of DEPFA Bank plc Dublin/Ireland.
- 2010 – 2001Legal department at Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG: Focus real estate law, real estate financing, transformation law, bank regulatory- and corporate law, preparation of split-off from the holding company HVB and IPO of affiliate, disposal of non-performing real estate loan portfolios, outsourcing of servicing of retail banking to a third party provider, origination of high volume structured commercial real estate financing, restructuring during the financial crisis.
- 2001 – 1996Legal department at Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG, Focus: Real estate and credit law, tax law.
Education and Development
- 1996Conferral of a doctorate in economics and social studies (Dr. rer. pol.); grade: “summa cum laude”
- 1996 – 1994Scientific associate at the University of Stuttgart, at the economic faculty
- 19942. Juridical State Examination (@Higher Regional Court in Stuttgart)
- 1994 – 1991Higher Regional Court District Stuttgart: Legal clerkship
- 19911. Law State Examination (@University of Tübingen)
- 1991 – 1986Law studies at the University of Passau (Bavaria) and University of Tübingen (Baden-Württemberg)